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We asked people to write what they think ‘Autism Acceptance’ is on our special printout speech bubbles, here are some of the results…

Superfast IT says “Encouraging uniqueness and difference”

“Showing compassion and understanding”

“Being open-minded to each others differences”

Parents say “Realising that it gives you strengths as well as weaknesses”

One of our residents says “Being accepted in places we like to go to.

Making me feel like I’m part of this world and not an outcast.

Making me feel like I’m part of a team”

Our CEO says “Making the adjustments people need to live their best lives”

A parent says “Viewing everyone as an individual”

One of our residents says “Feeling supported and confident.

“Others understanding that sometimes my behaviour and emotions are out of control.

Having the opportunity to be independent but knowing there are things I have to endure”

One of our support team says “Better understanding”
